Sunday, May 25, 2008

Blogging Virgin

It's official; I'm jumping onto the blogging wagon. I've kept an online journal before, but this is different. This blog is more about my work and journey as a writer, editor, web publisher, journal founder, and all-around wordsmith.
I'm currently in Chicago, attending the very first Pilcrow Literary Festival. Props to Amy Guth and Leah Jones for all their hard work putting this together. I spoke on two panels yesterday, and attended two more. (One was specifically about blogging, which inspired me to start this.) Tomorrow I head back to a quiet little hippie mountain town that is currently home for me. After being on the Chicago streets for 10 minutes when I first arrived, I realized I've been living in Colorado too long. :) I want to strike out on this last day and explore some places to write about in the novel I'm researching  (You Know Me, Etc) but a lot of the neighborhoods I want to see I've been warned not to visit -- not even in daylight with a police escort. Hopefully when I write those scenes something will ring true. 
ta ta for now

1 comment:

Leah in Chicago said...

Mazel tov on your new blog!

It was great to see you at Pilcrow, next time we'll have to actually stop for a real conversation.